I think yesterday I had a record number of orgasms. Which is saying something. I also got to talk to this a guy that has come to terms with his sexuality, a topic of converstaion I could yammer on about all night. I am bisexual--the "good" kind, as my friend used to say, because I debunked the theory of bisexual women as duplicitous vampires...although I do nibble, and I have been known to tell white lies. If it comes at the expense of feelings, sometimes the truth is negotiable, and sometimes its not. I think being able to tell when is the right time to negotiate the truth is an art that comes with maturity. But I digress--as a young woman looking to fuck and fall in love with other women, I didn't worry about that stuff. I just chased long legs. All kinds of trouble, all kinds--so I have been on hiatus for a while. But it's always interesting to go back to that time and think about the winding path my hormones have taken me on.
One of my most vivid memories is of the first time I kissed a girl. I was terrified. So many rules broken at once, and because I was so young I didn't really know much about sex to begin with. It was so soft--I distinctly remember how different it felt from kissing men or boys. She was so, so soft. It made everything seem fragile, and more precious.
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