Monday, September 17, 2007

In the wilds of yahoo..

I am somewhat of a novice in the realm of cyber-space. I've picked up a bunch of useful tools that allow me to explore luring new subs in (not much to that, really, as the chemistry is either there, or not). Last night while wrangling some more obedience out of my website I went in to the land of yahoo chatrooms, and wow. It is really something.

Has anyone ever had a rewarding experience there? I definitely had many amusing ones, and one truly wonderful one (hello to you, if you should be reading this ;). These things called "bots," these people posting over and over again for the same thing ("All young girls c2c me"--as if that would somehow be appealing to anyone, let alone a young girl). I really enjoy chatting. I've had no success with msn, as it invades your entire computer, and eyeball seems very finicky. But yahoo is like the jungle of the internet.

It's alright, of course. It's not as if I've ever shrank away from jungles.

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